It seems people are still celebrating Hari Raya even though it’s been a month already. The festivities continue with open houses and gatherings, some even opting for outdoor venues!
In a recent hilarious TikTok shared by @izztyadn, she gave everyone a little sneak peek of how her raya went as she and her friends hosted a gathering outdoors to celebrate Hari Raya.

The more the merrier!
In the video, the friends can be seen enjoying their raya food until an unexpected guest came and started joining them.
Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Izzaty shared how they hosted a small gathering somewhere in Bukit Chabang, Perlis, because she and her friends hadn’t celebrated raya together yet.
Izzaty revealed that while they were done eating and began cleaning up, a random goat appeared out of nowhere behind them and started eating the leftovers they had placed on the table.

“Raya potluck with Mr. Goat”
Izzaty expressed how shocked everyone was because they hadn’t realised there was a goat roaming around near them.
“I swear, we were all terrified because we’re actually scared of goats, which made the situation even worse.”
She mentioned that anyone interested in visiting Perlis should consider coming to Bukit Chabang, as the view is lovely and the area is known for its goats roaming freely.

Netizens found the goat incident amusing and flooded the comment section with their thoughts!

“I bet the goat is getting tired of eating grass all day.”

“The goat looks so cute! I bet it’s wondering who made all that delicious food.”

“I’m torn between feeling sorry for you guys and laughing at the situation, especially that woman in white.”
You can watch the amusing video down below:
Watch on TikTok
They say raya open house is open to EVERYONE. We just didn’t realise that included animals too!
Also read: “My new sofa!” – Pregnant M’sian Woman’s Water Breaks During Raya Open House in Johor