Unfortunately, corruption and bribery have now become so prevalent in our society that Malaysia is known worldwide for it.
Although it might be wishful thinking to hope that we’d ever see a Malaysia free of corruption or bribery, we should always strive to end it.
However, it seems that some believe that we may never be rid of it. Recently, in an interview with Astro Awani about youth voters in the upcoming GE15, UMNO Youth Chief Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki appeared to normalise the culture of corruption.

In the interview, Asyraf said, “We live in a world that is imperfect. If we are hoping to live in a country that is ideal, that has no corruption and that everything is clean, that means that it’s already judgement day“.
“But what we must focus on instead is to minimise the amount of corruption that is happening.”
Will it ever be able to get rid of corruption?
The clip of his comments has gone viral on social media with many Malaysians condemning him for appearing to normalise and accept the culture of corruption and bribery.
“Is he trying to allow corruption or what? People want to end it.”
One user sarcastically said, “Thank you. This is the type of youth leader we need in Malaysia. He is willing to let corruption happen in Malaysia. Congratulations UMNO”.

“Indirectly, he is saying that Malaysia needs corruption based politics“, said a user.

Watch the clip of it below:
Macam ni ketua pemuda umno becakap?.Tiada rasuah dunia kiamat bodo macam tombol pintu.Harap mengaji agama je tinggi2 tapi tak paham langsung apa yang diajar oleh Nabi pic.twitter.com/fDhYO9g2M0
— Abdul Rani Kulup Fans (@KulupFans) October 28, 2022
What do you think? Is it fair to say that we’ll never be able to get rid of corruption completely or must we keep striving to do exactly that?
Also read: Sarawak Dept Minister Wants PAS President Banned From Sarawak Following Corruption Comments