As it is with all live sportings events, the environment at the stadium can often be pretty tense as hard core fans would often do whatever it takes to anger the opposing fans or team.
However, there must be a boundary on what you can do and what you can’t do in a stadium filled with other fans.
In a TikTok video which has since gone viral, a fan of the Harimau Malaya proudly states that he is going to throw a cup full of liquid into the air and see who gets hit by it.

He pointed at the cup with a smile before eventually launching the cup into the air which landed somewhere amongst the group of fans in front of him.

In the video, plenty of other plastic cups were being thrown all over the stands whilst some fans even came prepared and wore plastic hoods to protect themselves from the incoming fluids.

It is presumed that the incident occurred during the first leg semifinal AFF Cup match between Malaysia and Thailand at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium last Saturday (January 7).
What is this behaviour?
Although the original poster of the video on TikTok has since deleted the video and deactivated their account, the video has been circulating on other social media platforms where netizens were quick to condemn the actions of the fans.
“Complained in order to get cheap tickets. Since it was given, they still can’t keep things clean. So stupid.”
Another commented, “Pity the cleaners that have to clean it up. Japanese fans are known for cleaning up stadiums after matches. Do the Malaysian rakyat want to be known for dirtying the stadium after matches?”

Some netizens blamed the user for proudly showing off his stupidity in order to get famous. “It is pitiful to see the Malaysian public acting this way.”

Meanwhile, others urged Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh to ban fans from bringing food and drinks into the stadium in the future.

Watch the video below:
Mesti dia ingat kelakar. Ingat benda ni seronok. Fun and game. Sampaila orang jumpa kau orang kasi sebijik. Baru kau tahu seronok ke tak.
— Cringe Malaysian?? (@cringemalaysian) January 9, 2023
Should food and drinks be disallowed from our stadiums in the future? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.
Also read: WATCH: M’sian Fan Tries to Start a Fight at Yesterday’s Match, Runs Away When Confronted by Cops