We all know that queues in Malaysia can be ridiculously long sometimes, may they be people or vehicles queuing.
But either way, we would still try our best to not jump the line as we can all relate to how it would feel if someone else were to cut in front of us.
Which is why it is only fair for Malaysians to feel some sort of satisfaction after a video showcasing a car getting banged by a bus after they had cut the queue at a traffic light to jump to the front went viral.
ISU SEMASA VIRAL recently took to their Twitter page to showcase the video.

They wrote, “It is satisfying to see a car that cut the queue get busted by a bus.”
In the video, a Honda Jazz can be seen driving to the front of a traffic light after cutting the queue. Due to its boot still sticking into the left turning lane, a passing bus severely scraped the Honda Jazz as it turned.

After the passenger of the Honda Jazz checked the damage, the car then diverted towards the left, seemingly going after the bus.
But wait, there’s more!
Just as the Honda Jazz moved out of the way, ANOTHER CAR then cut the queue at the front of the traffic light, taking the Honda Jazz’s place.

Netizens couldn’t help but poke fun at the car and feel a sense of satisfaction, saying that the Honda Jazz got what they deserved. They also hoped that the second car would receive the same fate, though this time, with a lorry.
“Are they chasing the bus to ask for compensation?”
“Serves you right, you were in their lane, blocking the way for other vehicles,” said a user.

Another user commented, “You’re lucky it was a bus. If I was driving a cement lorry, I would pour (the cement) on the car. You want it so badly, right?”

“To the second one cutting the queue, I hope it’s a lorry (that gets them).”

Watch the full video below:
Puas hati tengok kereta potong q kena libas dengan bas. pic.twitter.com/pvixAdMbkY
— ISU SEMASA VIRAL (@isusemasaviral) October 11, 2022
That’s whyyyy, next time don’t cut queues and don’t block the road!
Also read: Watch Out, Toll Jumpers! The Authorities Are Now Regularly Detecting You