We won’t say that it’s okay to flout MCO standard operating procedures (SOPs). But, once you’ve flouted the SOPs, the least anyone could do is admit to their mistake and correct themselves, especially when confronted.
Unfortunately, not everyone believes so.
According to Kosmo!, three men were arrested after they were caught gathering and dipping their legs into the pool of a condominium in Seberang Perai, Penang. A security guard of the condominium approached the men and told them to leave the area as the pool was closed due to the MCO 2.0, but they refused to leave and even challenged the guard to call the police.
The incident, which happened at about 6.30pm, yesterday (1 February), prompted the guard to make a police report.
Seberang Perai Tengah District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Shafee Abd. Samad shared that a video of the incident has since gone viral.
“The video shows the three men gathering by the pool before the security guard asked them to leave. But, one of them refused to leave and told the guard to report them to the police, even giving out his address to find him,” he said.
Degil melepak di kolam renang, tiga ditahan polisSEBERANG PERAI – Akibat berdegil dan tidak mengendahkan teguran pengawal keselamatan, tiga lelaki ditahan polis hari ini selepas didapati melanggar prosedur operasi standard (SOP) dengan berkumpul di kawasan kolam renang sebuah kondominium di Bukit Mertajam di sini.Ketiga-tiga mereka dikatakan melakukan kesalahan itu kira-kira pukul 6.30 petang semalam sebelum pengawal keselamatan membuat laporan polis hari ini.Ketua Polis Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah, Asisten Komisioner Shafee Abd. Samad berkata, satu video mengenai kejadian itu tular di aplikasi WhatsApp hari ini dipercayai dirakam oleh pengawal keselamatan itu.“Video itu memaparkan tiga lelaki sedang berkumpul di pekarangan kolam renang sebelum didatangi pengawal keselamatan yang meminta mereka beredar.“Namun, salah seorang daripadanya enggan beredar dan menyuruh pengawal keselamatan melaporkan perkara itu kepada polis selain memberi alamat rumah untuk mencarinya,” katanya kepada pembeita hari ini.Beliau berkata, pihaknya menerima laporan daripada salah seorang pengawal keselamatan sebelum tangkapan ke atas tiga lelaki bujang berusia 20, 22 dan 41 tahun dibuat di rumah berkenaan kira-kira pukul 2.30 petang.“Siasatan mendapati mereka pergi ke kolam renang di tingkat tujuh dan melakukan kesalahan perbuatan cuai yang mungkin merebakkan kejangkitan apa-apa penyakit yang berbahaya kepada nyawa dan berkumpul di tempat awam semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP),” katanya. ▶️KOSMO! ONLINE
Posted by Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS on Monday, February 1, 2021
After receiving the report, police officers arrested the three men, aged 20, 22, and 41, at the address given.
“Investigations found that they went to the pool on the seventh floor and committed an offence of negligence which may spread the infection of any life-threatening disease to the lives of those assembled in a public place during the MCO,” he added.
So, if you ever flout MCO SOPs, just admit your mistake and count yourself lucky if you have the chance to correct yourself without getting fined or jailed.
What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.
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