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This Guy Epically Trolled That One Annoying Facebook Friend And It Was Hilarious!



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We all have that one (or more) annoying friend on Facebook right? You know, the one that writes a whole lot of bull crap and makes you feel like giving them a piece of your mind. But we usually refrain from such actions because we do not want to contaminate ourselves with their existence, especially when you know they will not understand what you just said anyway.

However, a Facebook user that goes by the name Robert Graves had just about enough of his Facebook friend, Brendan Sullivan. So he elegantly trolls Brendan on several Facebook posts. And might I say that they were pretty hilarious.

Seriously. Just read:

12345519 1638330453100371 4367885766852060111 n

12346465 1638330463100370 7693976343895411096 n

12376007 1638330479767035 572991513355646638 n

12341062 1638330489767034 4579820446421160621 n

11226038 1638330499767033 976776711260964279 n

12347972 1638330513100365 1468147969460231178 n

12346334 1638330526433697 2975944504468831504 n

12341372 1638330536433696 8913542953409210376 n

12346601 1638330553100361 8111631442528730469 n

12316279 1638330569767026 6080652478693316746 n

12342339 1638330593100357 5618693560982507777 n

12316667 1638330616433688 6107699847196844367 n

12341364 1638330643100352 4832432029973416545 n

12347677 1638330663100350 4367746734540386417 n

12347594 1638330689767014 7524582910810871864 n

12348058 1638330706433679 1888393227781134959 n

Give it there Robert. I rate it a solid 5/7.

tumblr mk756mq3Xr1s0hia6o1 400

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