This delivery rider took it upon himself to calm this man down, who was experiencing a panic-inducing heart attack, despite having to cancel his delivery for...
In this disturbing X video, a netizen was seen sharing his method of controlling his area’s monkey population by giving them ice cream laced with a...
Due to not having water supply for about 2 years, an elderly resident of a Kepong apartment has been wrapping his faeces in newspaper and throwing...
A majority of Malaysians were left confused recently after the Road Transport Department’s (JPJ) MyJPJ app suddenly announced that users would require a MyDigital ID to...
Taking to TikTok, this netizen shared how hard life was for students at this hostel, as they lived without an ample water supply. In the video,...
Taking to TikTok, a guest speaker in a podcast about Undi18 spoke up against the move to allow youth to vote and determine the direction of...
At Pejabat Tanah Klang, this netizen shared what happened last Friday. Visitors to this counter were made to wait for hours with no one manning it!...
Taking to TikTok, this lady shared how gym bros helped her out when this car refused to respond to her incessant honking, having double parked right in...
If you’ve ever had your car clamped for parking in the wrong spot, you should know that it is certainly not entertaining or amusing. But this...
Malaysian Indians have always had it difficult when it comes to looking for a place to stay, as many homeowners tend to discriminate based on race...
Graduation ceremonies are a rite of passage for many, especially college and university students who have studied hard to complete their courses before joining society as...
Parliamentary sessions and Dewan Rakyat sessions are the time and place for politicians to bring up important issues that concern the well-being and safety of the...
If you need any further validation that Malaysian food may very well be the best in the world, well, here it is. Imagine being a foreigner...
At this point, we all know that in order to visit certain government and administrative buildings, we would need to dress modestly to avoid being denied...
Just like Kelantan, Kedah has been facing issues with their water supply. So much so that multiple sources have shared on how critical the situation is and...
It was reported yesterday that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang was in the hospital due to deteriorating health. His son Khalil revealed this through a Facebook...