Yesterday, it was reported that Malaysian Members of Parliament (MPs) and NGOs had banded together to urge Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, to intervene in the execution...
An import football player has been put in a difficult position after he has apparently been left without a salary for months after joining a Malaysian...
Following the incident where a Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) professor received backlash for insulting a B40 student for allegedly not owning a laptop, the local university...
With booster shots now being available to the public, vaccines are once again the talk of the town. However, it seems that anti-vaxxers are still finding...
Sarawak will be receiving 500,000 doses of Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine purchased through the state government’s initiative within a week, said Sarawak Assistant Minister of Public Health...
The Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine has arrived today at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at about 9am. This is shortly after the arrival of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine...
Attention, all motorists! If you have any unsettled summonses, then you should grab this opportunity to clear off all your debts this month because there is...