Spend within your means. A piece of financial advice that has saved a lot of souls from being stuck in waves of debt. A Malaysian youth...
In a viral Threads post by @umar_othmann, Umar, a car sales advisor shared a brief conversation he had with a young man who was aiming for...
When we were still students and still unaware of the commitments, we dreamt of A LOT of things. A car, a house, a partner, and a...
If you’re spending more than you earn, you’re likely to “suffer” every end of the month. Despite the desire to have A LOT of fancy items,...
Our best shot against this viral outbreak aside from prevention is early detection. Most of the Covid-19 related deaths in the country happen because of late...
Unemployment is a serious issue in Malaysia that doesn’t just affect fresh graduates. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix to the problem and it’s a reality...
Face-reading experts believe the shape of your face can reveal basic personality traits and determine your overall approach to life. ‘Your face is saying something,’ expert...