This is such a tragedy! Yesterday evening (4th July), news of a 16-year-old’s horrific death surfaced and shocked many netizens. The young boy, who was identified...
We’re honestly at a loss for words! In a report by the New Straits Times, disturbing videos showing a young boy from Kedah who was forced...
Breaking up isn’t easy for both parties in a relationship and one can only hope that the separation is done gracefully and accepted by each person. But...
The criminals in Malaysia seem to be getting younger and younger these days. Sin Chew reported that on Sunday, two criminals aged 22 and 16 were...
Earlier this week, news of a man from Kedah being brutally beaten up by shoppers for allegedly harassing a woman caught widespread attention from Malaysian netizens. The man...
The interview process for a potential employee was created so that the employer can vet through the suitability of the candidate and ensure that they are...
This is some next-level perversion! A man from Kedah was caught by police for recording under a 38 year-old woman’s skirt at a market in Jalan...
Illegal racing has become a huge issue in Malaysia as motorcyclists continue to speed and perform dangerous stunts on roads. These dangerous motorcyclists are given the...
The Barisan Nasional Elected Representatives Wives Annual Programme (PTIWRBNM) 2016/17 was launched in Kedah with a grand total of 570 participants from Malaysia’s 14 states this...
Many Malaysians today are known for having ‘Kopi-O License’. Which means, the license that these people have are all attained through bribery. What’s new, Malaysia? So, it’s...
Langkawi’s landmark eagle statue is under scrutiny by several quarters after it was cast into the ‘haram’ spotlight, with calls to demolish the famous landmark ominously looming...