Infamous Malaysian gigolo, 32-year-old Hasli Ikhwan Arif Zul Hasli, known online as “Hot Daddy”, and his two female friends, 27-year-old Norshazrina and 24-year-old Norhidayh, were granted...
Despite the holding of a candlelight vigil as well as last minute plea by his mother, convicted Malaysian drug trafficker Nagaenthran Dharmalingam was executed this morning...
News of the impending execution of an intellectually-disabled Malaysian in Singapore had recently sparked protests all over the region. It even prompted Prime Minister Datuk Seri...
The North Korean government goes above and beyond to stop access of its population to outside information. With strict punishments in place, not all however, are...
One of the more effective methods to prevent the Covid-19 plague from getting to you is social distancing. As the world practices it, this hospital in...
When news about the coronavirus hitting other countries outside of China first surfaced, North Korea was one of the first countries to block all foreign tourists...
In 2016, chemical castration and the death penalty was officially legalised as punishment for convicted child molesters in Indonesia. President Joko Widodo signed the agreement and...
This is so sad! According to NST, Michael anak Garing was executed at Singapore’s Changi Prison earlier today (March 22). The prison will be transporting the remains...
North Koreans are some of the people that suffers on a daily basis. Two North Korean defectors were recently interviewed about their life in the dictated...
Credit: AP The Totalitarian regime once again reveals their tyranny: a North Korean vice-premier has been executed after he allegedly “dozed off during a meeting presided over by...