This is not a drill. Robert Downey Jr is officially back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, despite Iron Man’s ultimate death in Avengers: Endgame, which was...
The DC movie, Joker which was released back in 2019 received critical acclaim, particularly on the plot’s direction and the brilliant performance of Joaquin Phoenix as...
Certain actors were born to play a specific role, very much like Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, and Henry Cavill as Superman. While Robert Downey...
After 2 years, the long-awaited Comic Fiesta is finally coming back at the end of the year! According to Comic Fiesta’s official Facebook post, this leading...
We believe that every single person on the internet would have known who this guy is: This man is Gerry Alanguilan. Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday...
Buying books should be an enjoyable experience for a kid but for this teen, he may have been scared off bookstores for a long time after...