The Covid-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adapt to new ways of working. As offices begin to open up, for most of us it is back...
If you’ve had the liberty of watching American movies filmed circa 50s or have seen modern movies featuring a collection of cars huddled in front of...
During the Movement Control Order, most of us probably had a lot of time to spare at home and during those free moments, you might have...
Every action has a consequence, but not always does the person carrying out the action face the consequences. For instance, if you rob someone of their...
I’ve always believed that there’s someone out there for everyone. But what happens when you lose your ‘the one’? Tobias Baumgaertner, also known as Tobias Visuals,...
The coronavirus spread is still ongoing as many across the world are going into or are still in the process of quarantine. But what happens to...
Mothers will always want to protect and be there for their children, no matter the circumstances. But there are certain barriers that even mothers, sadly, cannot...
We Malaysians love our bantal busuks or chou chous as they give us comfort when we sleep, cuddle or when we need some emotional support (even if...
Introducing the Soul Seat! View this post on Instagram “Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a...
Buying a home on its own can be a pretty daunting undertaking to consider, what with all the paperwork to take into account and the amount...
While many of us would ideally wish to shed some weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle, only a select few possess the dedication and discipline to...
Dogs are some of the best creatures on earth and it’s easy to see why they are known as man’s best friend. Their loyalty and love...
I don’t really know how to feel about this. On Tuesday (15th October 2019), two robbers from Northeast Brazil barged into a pharmacy that was being...
Nasi lemak; Malaysia’s national dish that unites us all. Whether you like it plain, spicy or with crispy fried chicken on the side, a plate of...
We all had a ‘bantal busuk’ when we were wee children but eventually as we got older, we had to leave our beloved bolsters behind for...
It may surprise you what a change of scenery can do for your productivity and creativity. Being in a fresh environment and a new setting can...