What’s the scariest part when you’re living a good life with your loved one? Your past comes knocking and shows itself to haunt you. A 24-year-old...
One of the things Malaysian drivers hate is cars parked by the side of narrow roads. You would have to hold your breath and inch past...
It’s nice to see our friends with fins getting comfortable in Malaysian waters! Recently, a pod of dolphins were spotted swimming near the surface of Port...
Japan’s work culture is very much different from Malaysia’s, to say the least! Due to their tendency to clock long hours, often to the point of...
It’s understandable some Malaysians may have trust issues when it comes to our law enforcement officials. Though it is unfortunate that there are corrupted cops out...
Meeting up with a business associate or friend? Consider to choose the same dish they’re having during lunch to create a closer, more trusting connection as...