Finding daycare for children has become increasingly challenging due to the reported rise in abuse cases. However, as parents, we must prioritize our children’s well-being. But...
Recently, some of the victims from the Batang Kali landslide tragedy had met with rescuers from the Hulu Selangor District Civil Defense Force to share their...
During these tough times, many people are doing their best to not only help their fellow Malaysians in need and extend their assistance to our furry...
Parents usually trust the staff at a daycare center to take care of their children while they are busy or at their jobs. This means that...
On 29th December 2018, caretakers at a long-term care facility were shocked when a woman who has been in a vegetative state for at least 10...
Rapists and criminals are getting bolder these days! Recently, the police received a report about two female kindergarten caretakers who were raped brutally by two robbers...