A young woman in China who staged her own funeral in a bizarre attempt to get over breaking up with her boyfriend has left many people...
There are many out there who are willing to do anything for love. But, what if you’ve given your significant other what they want and they still...
Who’s up for a toast to love and some mouth-watering, lip-smacking good food? ? We’re about to up your dating game, besties! We’ve scoured the city’s...
Hey there, city explorers and fellow lovebirds! Who says you can’t go dating about or keep your partner happy when you’re short on money? We say,...
Only due to vomiting on a sofa, a 3-year-old boy who was sick was believed to have been beaten to death by his mother’s lover in...
Taking to Twitter, a netizen recently shared a disturbing before-and-after picture of a bruised and malnourished child. In her caption, the netizen writes, “This is another...
When it comes to lighthearted moments, TikTok never fails to deliver, and a recent video posted by @heyowshu on her account has tickled all viewers. The...
You’ve met the right girl and you’re ready to ask her to spend forever with you, but how exactly should you pop the question? Since you...
When it comes to relationships, there is plenty of factors which could make or break the relationship. Some of the most important things to clarify with...
Just two weeks ago, a Malaysian woman was reportedly denied entry into a police station because she was “wearing shorts.” Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl...
Valentine’s Day is a fun way to show some extra love to our loved ones by going on special dates, dining at places you wouldn’t normally...
As we all know, uncles and aunties like to ask kepoh questions like why we still don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend on Chinese New Year...
It’s only normal for significant others to feel nervous and anxious when meeting their other half’s parents for the first time. But for one girlfriend in...
In this day and age, women are championed for being financially independent and having great careers with equally great incomes. In the words of the immortal...
Finding a partner can be difficult as there are plenty of things one needs to consider. The compromise and understanding for each other must be there...
Dating in itself is already hard. Can you imagine doing it while your sister is literally stuck to your side 24/7? Well, it may be hard,...