A famous Malaysian fishmonger’s plan to apparently give away grouper fish in conjunction with Chinese New Year celebrations was foiled when an apparent rival stole the...
Smokers living in apartment buildings, condominiums and flats have a tendency of throwing their cigarette butts from their balconies or windows. What they don’t know is...
There are many elderly people in Malaysia who are very much independent and capable of taking care of themselves. But, even then, there are somethings that...
Stories of the election should have died down by now, but for this politician, the fight is definitely NOT OVER! Probably unable to accept defeat or...
A Singaporean is facing Malaysian law after being found to have tried to smuggle in macaws into our country. The poor animals were found to be...
So you’ve read through what you need to do before arriving at your voting location, now you’re queueing, and then you realise that you have no...
Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic hit us, we’ve learnt something about our fellow community members. We love to panic buy. Just yesterday, there was a notice...
One of the biggest problems Malaysians face on a daily basis is the lack of parking spaces. We can sometimes spend over an hour just looking...
Fishermen would normally go out to sea to catch fresh seafood, but for a group of fishermen in Indonesia, they weren’t expecting to catch Apples… the...
It’s no secret that there are communities all around the world, including in Malaysia, where children have to endure difficult situations just to go to school....
As the saying goes, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned! Yes, that is right. No one is as angry as a woman who has...
I can’t believe that this is happening in Malaysia! While we are all comfortably tucked away in our beds, with air-conditioning and a roof on top...
Here’s another example as to why adopting is better than shopping for pets. Over 5,000 pet animals have been found dead in express boxes at a...
Despite being in quarantine or more accurately, Circuit Breaker for Singaporeans, the Raya spirit is still there. A peek at social media and you can see...
As tensions rise high with the Coronavirus outbreak, so does the desperation, when this man in need of face masks was conned RM266,153! It’s like, can...
In a recent post that went viral, a netizen who goes by the name of Hong took to Facebook to share how he was taxed an...