“Heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me, and the entire human race.” – Michael Jackson.
So what has the line from a famous Michael Jackson song got to do with Starbucks’ colour changing cup? Well, for starters, the reusability will definitely reduce trash being thrown out, which is great for the environment. Another reason is, the campaign behind the launch of the whole thing has the intention to promote diversity and a portion of the sales will be going towards the “Rainbow School Project” which delivers lessons about diversity and LGBT issues to junior and senior high school students.

Great intention, but what about these cups? Well, the four-piece set aptly named ‘Colour Changing Cold Cup Set No Filter’, contains four cups with four colours; orange, pink, blue and green. The colour change is triggered when you add a cold beverage to them. The yellow cup turns green, the pink cup turns purple, the blue cup turns pink, and the green one turns orange.

According to Soranews24, each set will cost about RM33 (860 yen) per set and they will go on sale online from 6am on 19 April. However, we are unsure whether the cups are available for international customers. The best we can do is hope that these cups will make their way to Malaysia!
Also read: This Starbucks Outlet In Malaysia Has A Puppuccino For Your Doggos!