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Staff at Restaurant in KL Mall Offer Discounted Items to Cover Their Salary After Bosses Allegedly Ran Away


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Source: TikTok

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Times are tough, and everyone is giving their best at work so that no one starves at home. But what happens when your employers bail out on you, and leave you managing the work alone without supervision and guidance?

For the employees of a Thai restaurant in a KL Mall, they have no choice but to work smart after their employers allegedly ran away, who they dubbed employers from hell. In Bangkok Wasabe’s TikTok post, the employees revealed that business is very, very slow and the pace is almost stagnant. From the video you can see some of employees just sitting around, waiting (and hoping) for customers to dine in.

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Looking at the state of it, the employees knew they couldn’t survive for long, so they started to do something. But what about the rental when their employers have disappeared into thin air? Fortunately, the management of the mall were kind enough to understand and give them a little bit of leniency.

“The management of the mall decided not to charge us for rental for the next 2 months.”

After getting the rental issue out of the picture (at least for now), it’s up to the employees now to attract customers.

They started doing so by lowering the menu prices so that customers, especially those with a budget will step into the restaurant to give their food a try. For instance, a set meant for 4 to 5 pax is now sold at only RM180. The initial price was RM268. 

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The employees are taking the initiative to ensure the team’s survival.

“We lowered the price in the hopes of attracting more customers, so that our salary can at least get covered.”

Here’s a rough estimation of what they need to make in order to survive – RM96,000. The team is not sure if they can make that amount in a short time, but they are gonna keep trying. To replenish stock and cooking ingredients, the team is temporarily using the money from the cash sale.

At the end of the post, the team of “survivors” at the restaurant asked customers to dine in at the place, and thanked the management of the mall for their help.

“May God help us, and hope our employers who ran away get what they deserved.”

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In a latest post this morning, the team revealed that the restaurant is not opened for business today due to lack of manpower. However, if you’re interested to help them survive through this tough times, you can visit them starting tomorrow (18 July).


Also read: M’sian Sells Budget Rice in PJ for RM3.50 But Gives Away for FREE to Those Who Can’t Afford to Pay

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