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M’sian Shockingly Finds Dead Body Inside Submerged Perodua Myvi While Fishing


M'Sian Shockingly Finds Submerged Perodua Myvi And Dead Body While Fishing - World Of Buzz 3
Source: Berita Harian

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This is a really tragic accident to happen! Recently, a man who only wanted to check his fishing catch for the day had the shock of his life when he fished up a sunken Perodua Myvi instead. Whut.

According to Sinar Harian, Mohd Faizal Shah Mohamed, 38, went to the canal at around 8am yesterday morning (May 2) to pick up his trawl. When he arrived at the canal in Kampung Paya Pasir, Tumpat, he was looking for his trawl but felt the roof of a car instead.

After clearing away the grass around the area and confirming that it was indeed a car, he called the police. The Tumpat Fire and Rescue Department personnel arrived at the scene around 10.38am and checked out the car, only to discover that there was a male body inside. Oh no! It took them another hour to pull up the car and the dead body.

Mohd Faizal said that he did not expect to find a dead body inside the car and had been told by his friend this morning that he felt something like a piece of zinc floating in the canal. “My friend told me that last night, he was at the river and had spotted the piece of zinc, which turned out to be the roof of the car. He felt around and groped something that felt like the car’s windshield mirror. He fled from the canal because he was scared.”

The next morning, when Mohd Faizal heard about this, he went along with two other friends to check it out. The victim has been identified as Loo Thong Hong, a man in his 50s, who used to live in that area. One of his friends,  Tea Cheng Eng, 38, said that the victim had moved to Kota Bharu but would visit Tumpat often.

“As soon as I heard about the submerged car, I rushed over to the village and was shocked to discover that it was really my friend’s car. His family has been looking for him since April 30, which was the last time they saw him,” he added.

His family said that they had tried calling both of his mobile phones many times but they could not get through for the past two nights. Loo’s body has been sent to the Tumpat Hospital for an autopsy.

What a sad loss for Loo’s family and friends. RIP.


Also read: Man Calmly Brings Dead Body to Damansara Police Station And Confesses to Murder

Man Calmly Brings Dead Body To Damansara Police Station And Confesses To Murder - World Of Buzz 1

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