The director of the Selangor KPDNHEP said, “Our investigations showed that the branded wallets would be sold for RM39 to RM49 each while the handbags were priced at RM80 to RM120 each. Most of their sales were done through Facebook and Instagram Live.”

As a result of the raid, they seized 297 fake bags and 24 fake purses from famous brands like Louis Vuitton (LV), Gucci, Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) worth RM27,600. They also arrested one 30-year-old female staff who was working there at that time.

M'sian Online Seller Kantoi For Selling Fake Designer Bags and Purses On FB & IG Live, Gets Arrested - WORLD OF BUZZ

Source: Flickr

He said that the case will be investigated under Section 8 of the Trade Descriptions Act 2011 which stipulates that if convicted, the maximum sentence would be a fine of RM15,000 for each fake goods, imprisonment up to five years or both.

Be careful, sellers, and don’t sell fake goods or you might suffer terrible consequences!


Also read: M’sian Kantoi Using Fake Money During FB Live When Showing Off Stacks of RM100