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M’sian Man Gets New RM6K Job, Thinks Wife Who Earns RM2.6K is Useless & Has No Future


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Source: 123RF & 123RF

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“Through thick and thin.” A vow that many can say, but not all can afford to keep the promise. 

A Malaysian man recently landed a new job that earned him around RM6,000 a month – a significant increase from his previous pay. In a dilemma shared on the Facebook page TIPS PERSIAPAN KAHWIN (TPK), the man’s wife, said he earned less than RM3,000 before getting the new job.

“We earned around the same figures last time. My pay is around RM2,600 and after deducting commitments, I only have RM400 left, which was a struggle.”

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The woman also said that her husband continuously devised ideas to multiply his income, but things changed after he got this new job.

The man became less supportive and had a different perception of his wife. In simpler terms, the man believed that his wife was useless.

“He told me to look for a better job because now that he’s successful, he wants his woman to be successful too. He doesn’t want me to depend on him. He doesn’t want others to think I’m useless when he’s not around.”

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Was this merely encouragement or gaslighting? You be the judge, but what comes next is just too hurtful for anyone to hear.

“He told me that he doesn’t think I have a future. Useless. That’s why he asked me to look for a better job.”

Motivation or fueling the spirit!

In the post, the woman clarified that her husband did apologise after “pouring his heart out” and said that he meant no harm but merely motivated her to do better.

“I don’t know if that was right of him to motivate me that way. Now, I feel that we don’t see things eye to eye.”

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She wanted to tell her husband about her feelings but feared starting an argument.


Ladies, what would you feel if these words were uttered to you when you need motivation the most? Gentleman, what do you think of the man’s “support?”


Also read: M’sian Woman Finds Out Unemployed Husband Has Been Selling Her Naked Photos for Money

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Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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