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“When you’ve not been paid” – M’sian Makes Pasta Out of Edible Straws He Took Home from a Cafe!


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Source: TikTok | nosuganowori

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Most coffee shops are now opting for edible straws as a more environmentally friendly option that can be eaten after use, which helps cut down on plastic waste. But who knew you could also turn them into a delicious meal?

In a recent video that’s been circulating online, user @nosuganowori took to his TikTok to share his latest food recipe that includes edible straws.

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Edible straw pasta!

In the video, a man can be seen attempting to make a pasta dish using edible straws. He jokingly captioned the video with,

“Point of view: When you haven’t received your paycheck, so you have to resort to eating straws.”

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Sulaiman shared that he was inspired to create the recipe after noticing that most coffee shops have switched from plastic straws to rice straws with the goal of protecting the environment, especially sea turtles.

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Because of its material, the straw gets soft and flimsy real fast

Sulaiman added that the problem with the straw’s material is that it gets soft quickly when it gets wet. He mentioned that many comments he saw agreed that these straws are hard to use, so people often throw them away and use metal straws instead.

He thought, why not eat the straws instead of throwing them away, especially since most brands say they’re safe to consume.

“Before I tried it out, I thought about it carefully. If they say the straw is safe to eat, then logically, it should be safe to cook and eat, right?”

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It tastes exactly like pasta!

Sulaiman went on to share how his experiment of making a pasta dish with edible rice straws was a success and turned out to be incredibly delicious.

“It tastes like pasta, which is why I was surprised at the beginning of the video. For the dish, I used Samyang sauce mixed with cheese,” he added.

He also mentioned his plans to collect more rice straws since they are edible, which would allow him to try out various recipes like snacks or crackers. His plan is to boil, fry, and season them.

Sulaiman explained that these experiments are purely for fun and his own curiosity.

This video has garnered 1.9M views and 56K likes as at time of writing!

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You can watch the full video down below:


Sape ade lebih straw boleh ler sedekah kat aku, hujung bulan boleh ler makan #fyp

♬ 3 minutes cooking song(863632) – furufuru

Not only is the straw environmentally friendly, but who would have thought it could also be repurposed in such a unique and delicious way!


Also read: M’sian Protests Against Paper Straws By Saying “There’s No Turtles In Shah Alam”

M'sian Protests Against Plastic Straws By Saying &Amp;Quot;There's No Turtles In Shah Alam&Amp;Quot; - World Of Buzz 5


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