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M’sian Helps Datin Friend Take Her Luggage Containing Meds in China Airport, Gets Detained For 30 Days


Woman Detained For 30 Days Pills Luggage
Source: China Press

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We’ve always been told that we should never help anyone take anything when at the airport. This Malaysian woman had to learn it the hard way.

According to Sin Chew Daily and China Press, a 45-year-old beautician, Lim from Kuchai, had been released after being detained by the Chinese government for 30 days.

During the press conference, she talked about the ordeal that she had to go through after helping a friend with the ‘Datin’ title.

It is said that on December 27, 2023, she travelled to Kunming, China with 5 other people, one of whom is a 50-year-old Datin who is a beauty products supplier. The 2 of them had known each other for about 3-4 years and were quite close.

At the end of their 10-day trip on 7 January, the Datin asked Lim to help her take one of her bags as she had too much luggage.

Luggage Contains Pills Detained In China 2

Without thinking much of it, Lim obliged as they were friends. However, when the bag was going through the scanner, the security personnel said there was something like a lighter in there and asked Lim to open up her luggage for a check.

The lighter was in the bag that the Datin handed to Lim and in it were also multiple bags of pills in different colours.

“It looked like thousands of pills that seems to be herbal medicine. I tried explaining to the security but they took me into a room.”

After waiting for a few hours, the group of police came in with 3 police dogs. Later on, she was told that she would be detained for 3 days to help with investigations as she was suspected of smuggling drugs.

Lim thought she could return home after 3 days but when the day came, they transferred her to a detention center instead and she waited 27 days there.

“Day after day, I was detained like this for 30 days. It was finally proven that the pills were not drugs and I was released without any charge.”

However, when she finally got home and confronted the Datin, she said she did not know anything, did not apologise and did not even say anything about the bag.

Luggage Contains Pills Detained In China 1

Worse still, it turns out that the Datin had also spread rumours to everyone around them and told her family that “it might be impossible for her to return to Malaysia.”

It seems that Lim is considering taking legal action towards the friend.


Other than that, she also asked other people to not help anyone take anything when at the airport, even if that person is a friend.


Also read: Woman Shares How She Almost Became a Drug Mule by Helping a Friendly Elderly Woman on a Plane

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Source: China Press
Source: China Press

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