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M’sian Asks Parking Attendant to Issue Two Summons to Driver Who Parked in Two Spots


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Source: TikTok

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We know by now that some drivers out there are adamant about becoming a nuisance to other drivers.

For this one netizen, this was the last straw. After parking his car at this business park, he met a parking attendant making his rounds in the area and requested that this particular vehicle be summoned twice for taking up two parking spots.

“If the person parks like this, can he get two tickets? I can’t believe this guy, for taking up two parking spaces! Give him two tickets.”

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After this irresponsible driver was issued two tickets, netizens commented on the tweet and shared their theories about how one can be slapped with two summonses.

“Probably one summon was issued for now paying in one parking bay, and another summon was issued for not paying the other parking bay.”

“This is normal in Johor Bharu,” said another netizen.

Watch the video below:


Let’s hope that everybody will adhere to traffic laws after this.


Source: Irritated Man in KL Decides to Ram His Car at a Couple as They Were Apparently Arguing Too Loudly

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Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok

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