Mental health is AS important as physical health. While we may pay close attention to our physical health, it’s important to give equal attention to our mental health also. Mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder can affect anyone and everyone. It doesn’t see gender, race or religion.
However, a new concern related to how we care for our mental health has arisen. Toxic masculinity is a mindset in which men follow traditional gender roles to such an extent that they are conditioned to believe that they’re the superior gender. As the words suggest, it’s simply toxic as not only it upholds the outdated patriarchy but it also enforces a caveman-like belief that men shouldn’t cry or show emotions and need to be tough and “manly” all the time.

Source: TeachersPayTeachers
The Health Ministry posted on 25th November a powerful post in conjunction with Men’s Health Awareness Month, or Movember, regarding the mental health problems men face but unfortunately get ignored.
Lelaki sukar menunjukkan simptom gangguan kesihatan mental berbanding wanita.
Lelaki lebih suka memendam perasaan, melepaskan kesedihan atau marah kpd perkara lain spt keganasan, alkohol, dadah dan membunuh diri.
*November Bulan Kesedaran Kesihatan Lelaki Sedunia #Movember
— KKMPutrajaya (@KKMPutrajaya) November 25, 2019
“Men find it harder ti exhibit symptoms of mental health disorders compared to women. Men also tend to suppress their feelings and release their anger or sadness in the form of other behaviours like violence, drugs, alcohol and suicide.”
According to the chart posted by the ministry, although women tend to suffer mental illnesses at a higher rate, men have a higher tendency to be violent, abuse drugs, and commit suicide. This ties back into the toxic masculinity mentality, where men are expected to ‘suck it up’ and cope using whatever means necessary, and this prevents them from getting the help they need.
Men, if you feel like you’re suffering, don’t let anything or anyone stop you from getting the medical attention you need. Don’t define yourselves by obsolete gender roles any more!