This is certainly great news!
The Minister of Health has said that the Covid-19 cases in Malaysia may have hit plateau as almost everyone is obeying the advice given by health authorities.
According to The Star, the minister, Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba has said that the plateau in the number of positive cases is caused by the public taking action by maintaining good hygiene, practising social distancing and abiding the Movement Control Order.
To show the plateau, we have included a little graph.

Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba added,
“It is also because we conducted screening and did not under-report this.
What is also crucial is that we have urged those who attended the tabligh rally at Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling, which is the biggest cluster so far, to be tested.”
The minister says that the most important thing right now is to break the chain of the virus and to lessen the number of positive cases in the country. To do that, he urges Malaysians to #StayAtHome and adhere to the order given.
“We must remain vigilant to bring the number of positive cases down and clear the country of Covid-19.”
If you know of anyone from the Sri Petaling Tabligh event who has not been tested yet, please urge them to do so! As for the others, we should all take the Movement Control Order seriously and practice social distancing religiously! If you are unclear about the order then you can call the hotline @ 03-88882010.
Also read: Video: MoH & PDRM Restrain & Catch Elderly Father of Sri Petaling Tabligh Attendee