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“It’s buka puasa time,” – 999 Operator & PDRM Officers Allegedly Disregarded Report On Lost Patient


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Source: Provided to WOB

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During emergency situations or reporting an incident, you would expect the authorities to take the situation seriously and treat it with urgency before anything bad can happen, right?

Well, that’s what this Malaysian was hoping for when he called the 999 hotline.

Netizen, Daniel (*named changed for privacy purposes), shared with WORLD OF BUZZ on the disappointing reception he received from not only a 999 operator but also the police officers he was connected to when he wanted to report what appeared to be a differently-abled hospital patient walking lost in the middle of a busy KL road.

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“On April 3 (Monday), at around 7pm, me and my girlfriend were on our way back to our condo. We saw a guy in white clothes and bare feet walking in the middle of the road,” he said.

Considering the possibility that the man might not be okay, he immediately called the 999 hotline for help. And, due to not being confident in reporting the incident in Malay, he decided to do it in English.


The 999 operator who picked up their call apparently didn’t like this.

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“Then, we stopped and called 999, at first we spoke in English (I’m not good at fluent Malay) and the operator JUST HUNG UP the call,”

“Then when we called again and my girlfriend spoke in Malay to the operator, explaining the issue and the location. It seemed like they didn’t care,”

“Later, we called again when he was running and crossing the busy road. Here, the 999 operator told us that he would connect us to the police. Again, she was explaining the issue, but the officer simply got mad and said ‘it’s buka puasa time‘,” he added.

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Deciding to give the police some time to eat, they then called back once again after 30 minutes. While waiting, Daniel tried talking to the man in distress only to find out that he was differently-abled.

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“In the meantime, I went to the guy and asked whether he was okay, but unfortunately, he was deaf and mute,”

“Around 8pm, we called again and this time, the officer just told us again that ‘we finish fasting we will look into it, just go back’, in an angry tone,” he said.

Considering that the patient could put himself and road users in danger, it would only be expected that the authorities take the report seriously and act with urgency.

Additionally, we genuinely hope that the operator didn’t really just hang up on the call just because Daniel used English instead of Malay as foreigners and tourists would use the line to report emergencies as well, and we can’t exactly expect them to speak in Malay.


You can check out the video of the lost patient here: 

What do you think about this situation? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Woman From China Claims PDRM Officer Extorted RM200 From Her as She Left Her Passport at The Hotel

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