We all love our chocolates to death, but sadly, we may not be able to enjoy our favourite treat anymore in the future. This is because scientists are warning us that chocolates are soon going to become extinct in just 32 years. Oh God, no. This is BAD news, especially for those of us who are chocoholics!

Source: Den of Geek
FYI, cacao trees (where cocoa beans are from) only grow in humid rain forest-like conditions, which is usually close to the equator.
A lot rain + high humidity = healthy cacao trees.

Source: lilianausvat.blogspot
According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a rise in temperature of just 2.1 degree Celsius could lead to the demise of the chocolate industry worldwide by 2050. The warmer climate will suck the moisture in the soil, making it hard for farmers to produce good crops, reported The Sun.
Global warming is real, guys!
Currently, Ivory Coast and Ghana, the only countries that produce more than half of the world’s cocoa supply, are predicted to experience a rise in temperatures as well as a drought. So, farmers at these regions are already looking to move up their crops to higher grounds, but the predicament here is that there is only limited place and most of the areas are protected for the wildlife. Oh, dear!

Source: The Sun
If you think it will get better, no, it just keeps getting worse!
That is because the demand of chocolates in Asia had surpass the supply. In other words, this means that we could be OUT of chocolates very soon, YIKES!
One expert said that the stockpiles of cocoa are running low and the effects of climate change on supply could cause serious global shortage of cocoa.
On the other hand, Doug Hawkins of Hardman Agribusiness, said that part of the problem is that most cocoa are produced by poor families who cannot afford fertilisers and pesticides, thus they’re unable to keep the cacao plantation running.
“More than 90 per cent of the global cocoa crop is produced by smallholders on subsistence farms with unimproved planting material. All the indicators are that we could be looking at a chocolate deficit of 100,000 tons a year in the next few years,” he said.
Although, some experts are saying that modern farming techniques could possibly save our chocolates, but that would only be part of the answer. Well, to be fair, the chocolate industry is quite large and it would take a lot more than just modern farming techniques to help curb the problem.

Source: Mira
Thus, in hopes to sustain the breeding of cacao trees, scientists funded by the famed chocolate brand, Mars, have recently mapped the genetic code of cacao trees, whereby almost all are descendants of plants in the upper Amazon.
These scientist are now working on creating new genetically-modified hybrids that can perhaps endure hotter and dryer weather and still produce high quality cocoa. Fingers crossed!
Chocolate has continued to be a significant part of most people’s diet, so we can’t imagine a world without this yummy treat – it’d be a nightmare! However, don’t be disheartened for light can still be found at the end of the tunnel. Let’s hope our chocolates would be saved from meeting the brink of extinction.
Also read: These RM3 Chocolates with PM Najib’s Face are So Popular They Sold Out in Days!