It’s almost a week away! As the days draw closer to May 9, Malaysians everywhere are anxiously looking forward to casting their votes that will decide the future of our nation. For many Malaysian youths, this will be their first experience doing something that every kid thought was only ‘adult stuff’. That being said, it can be pretty daunting knowing that a single vote could potentially make or break a decision when it’s not done right. So, if this election will be your very first time voting, here’s what to expect on Polling Day. And even if it isn’t your first time voting, it’s always good to keep these things in mind!
The Voting Procedures

Be sure to double check on your polling stations beforehand. This is especially important for veteran voters. With the recent redelineation, what used to be your polling station may have now changed. You can check on your updated polling stations here. Meanwhile, remember these steps on May 9!
1. Arrive at your polling station early and bring along your official identification documents
Take note that only identification documents bearing a photograph and issued by the National Registration Department will be accepted as proof of identity at the polling station. Below are the forms of official documentation accepted:
- MyKad
- Malaysian Passport
- Receipt for a Temporary Identification Card with photograph (JPN 1/9)
- Receipt of report for Loss of Identification Card with photograph (JPN 1/11) certified by the National Registration Department
- Driving Licence with photograph
- Authority Card with photograph issued by a government department
2. Present your identification documentation to the Electoral Roll Checking Card at the EC Booth and obtain your Stream Number Slip
You will then proceed to the specified polling stream as stated on the slip.
3. Show your identification documents and Stream Number Slip to Polling Clerk 1 and present your finger for inspection
Upon entering the polling station, the clerk will read out loud your identification details and cross your name off the electoral roll. The clerk will also check your left-hand finger for any traces of indelible ink.
4. Proceed to Polling Clerk 2 and present your finger to be marked with the indelible ink
5. Receive your ballot paper(s) from Polling Clerk 3
You will receive two different ballot papers; one for your parliamentary candidate (white) and one for your State Legislative Council [DUN] candidate (coloured). Check your ballot papers to ensure that they are unmarked or undamaged. Do be careful not to stain your ballot papers with the indelible ink as well.
6. Mark your ballots clearly with an ‘X’ to indicate the candidate of your choice

Source: SPR Undi Ragu
The common rule of thumb is to cast your ballots by simply marking an ‘X’ in the box of your preferred candidate. There are, however, a set of guidelines that the Election Commission has released, stating 39 other markings that can be considered a valid vote. Do NOT draw or sketch on your ballot papers. This is not the time to be artistically expressive, people!
If you have appeared to make a mistake in marking your ballot, simply raise your hand and request for a new one from the EC officer in charge of your polling stream. Make sure to observe the officer slashing the unusable ballot. Remember to only vote for ONE candidate per ballot paper. Janganlah #undirosak.
7. Fold your ballot paper and drop it into the ballot box

Source: My News Hub
After casting your ballots, you are required to leave the premises of the polling station empty-handed. Under no circumstance should you be carrying any additional ballot papers, whether they are usable or not.
Other things to take note of
Besides the actual voting procedures to keep in mind, here are a couple of things to take note of while you’re at the polling station:
- The ballot papers should be stamped across the serrated lines with a stamp that is specific to each individual polling stream before being torn away from the ballot paper booklet
- The serial number on the ballot paper should match the booklet page that it is being torn from. Don’t worry, this is just to tally the number of ballot papers issued. Your votes are still kept secret as the serial numbers do not coincide with your number on the electoral roll. But if you’re a feeling a bit paranoid;
- Voters have the right to ask for a ballot paper to be torn out from anywhere in the ballot paper booklet instead of getting the top-most paper
- Polling Clerk 3 should NOT be allowed any writing instruments at their disposal to avoid the ballot papers from being marked
- Do NOT take a photo of your ballot paper. Your votes are a secret and should be kept that way. No need to Insta-story all okay?
- Voting period is from 8am to 5pm, so make sure you go early! All those who come after 5pm will not be entertained. However, if at 5pm you have a ballot paper in hand, you will still be allowed to cast your ballots
- Once you’ve dropped your ballot paper into the ballot boxes, don’t lepak around the polling station area. It’s actually an offence that is punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment or a fine of up to RM5,000 or both!
If you notice anything that feels suspicious or a bit off, inform the station master immediately. Don’t try to be a hero and take matters into your own hands.
So, there you have it! It’s a simple enough process if you’re clear on what to do. Just remember to keep in mind the do’s and don’t’s and you’ll be just fine. To sum it all up, here’s a quick infographic that you can save in your phone for an easier reference, courtesy of us here at WORLD OF BUZZ.

See you all on Polling Day and remember, jangan undi rosak!
Also read: Grab is Offering Voters Discounted Rides to All Polling Stations in 25 M’sian Cities This GE14