By now most of us are familiar with the issue regarding a minister and a girl named Veveonah who had risen to fame with her video where she stayed on a treetop to get internet access.
On 3 September, in a Dewan Negara session, the Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin said that Veveonah is just a YouTuber who didn’t sit for any examinations when the video was recorded.
As the news broke out, many of Veveonah’s friends and peers took to social media to defend her. Some of them even shared their examination timetable to back up their words.
As the tides began to turn against the deputy minister, he issued out an apology on Facebook in where he says that he got false information and that he would like to apologise to her.
Many netizens were angered when they read the statement as they believe it is insincere.
One netizen tweeted this;

“It’s so easy to be an elitist minister. He ridiculed the rakyat and then just apologised. Malaysian youths, stand up soon to push these elitists who do not know our lives aside.”
Another netizen by the name of Mahirah said,

“This is slander. The minister gaslit the people who needed the most help. Even if she lied (which she did not), it will be the best ever because it benefited one of the most marginalised communities.”
Other Malaysians echoed that the main issue was about how Veveonah was trying to bring up how internet and connectivity are scarce in rural areas. They are of the opinion that the government should strive to provide essential infrastructure to the people rather than slandering and accusing people with false information.
Really? Accusing the girl for chasing fame for simply wanting take her exam instead of finding solutions to overcome these gaps in student access and ensuring that rural students are not left behind in accessing what is now essential infrastructure??
— Imran Shah (@imranshah___) September 3, 2020
1. Ramai batchmate Veveonah yang sangkal dakwaan Timbalan Menteri PN ni. Mereka kata dia memang ada exam.
2. Poin dia adalah, tempat itu tiada internet. Itu yang Veveonah mahu sampaikan. Kenapa Menteri PN nak lari topik?
— Syahredzan Johan (@syahredzan) September 3, 2020
Maaf kalau terkasar bahasa tetapi Timbalan Menteri ini gagal memahami isu sebenar yg perlu mendapat pembelaan & tindakan pihak yg berwajib – tidak ada liputan internet di kawasan tersebut hingga perlu naik bukit & panjat pokok untuk mendapat perkhidmatan.
— Masidi Manjun (@MasidiM) September 3, 2020
Sepatutnya kerajaan sedar yang diorang gagal untuk membekalkan kemudahan telekomunikasi yang lebih baik kepada rakyat dan mencari jalan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Bukan menyalahkan orang lain dengan tuduhan-tuduhan tidak berasas spt menipu atau sebagainya.
— M.K Izzuddin ?? (@k_izzuddin) September 3, 2020
One of Veveona’s classmates took to Twitter to express her disappointment that people trusted the minister for what he said. The classmate even added that the aim of her tweet was to let everyone know that Veveona is an honest, genuine person who just wanted to share her experience and to spread awareness.
Aku selalu diam je tgk mcm ni… Masalahnya skrg, aku kenal dia, kami satu tempat belajar, exam sama sama, and now kau nk kata dia tipu? !!! And the funny part korg percaya hanya kerana org besar yang cakap….sedih dgn org org mcm ni
— MonCher (@FrznYasmin) September 3, 2020
Another netizen brought up how a deputy minister’s false words can have a negative implication on a young girl.
"Kaukah budak yang menipu pok viewer tinggi di youtube tu?"
Imagine dia kena tanya soalan mcm ni masa jalan2 di KK. Berapa besar implikasi negatif yg terpaksa dia tanggung gara2 kesilapan @ZahidiZainul. Bodoh tiada batasan.
— Izaan MindTheGap® (@izaanfly) September 3, 2020
The way a dep. minister ridiculed a student in Parliament for allegedly lying really saddens me. He shows total lack of sympathy & empathy for a poor student who is struggling to succeed in life. Even assuming it’s true, he should have reprimanded her with love & fatherly advice.
— Masidi Manjun (@MasidiM) September 3, 2020
Other netizens are of the opinion that the deputy minister and all his officers should resign while some say that this is proof that the ‘boomers’ are not able to lead the country as they are incapable and unfit.
We should consider these as a “declaration of war” between the young and the tua kutuks. Hari demi hari mereka membuktikan bahawa mereka tidak lagi layak dan berkemampuan untuk menerajui negara ini. Ini masa kita. Jika mereka tidak mahu wariskan secara elok, kita “rampas”.
— Anak Muda ?? (@InjangNation) September 3, 2020
Another netizen said,
The dep. minister didn't have his facts, and yet confidently lied & belittled the young lady in parliament. Imagine how much he's been lying so far on things we cannot verify.
— esKahn™?? (@esKahn) September 3, 2020
Last but not least, MP Syed Saddiq has spoken out about it.
"Veveonah tidak ada peperiksaan tapi hanya untuk ambil nama. Ini perbuatan yang kadang-kadang kita tertipu”.
Ya Allah. Kalau nak bantu selesaikan masalah akses internet, selesaikan. Jangan dilekehkan orang muda & penduduk luar bandar!
This is not helping at all!
— Syed Saddiq ??? (@SyedSaddiq) September 3, 2020
“If you want to help solve the problem of Internet accessibility, do it. Don’t ridicule the youth and people in rural areas.” He then followed up the statement by saying that he will be supporting Veveonah as she is an inspiration to the Malaysian youths.
We stand with you Veveonah!
You are not alone.Kamu merupakan inspirasi kepada orang MUDA di Malaysia ????
— Syed Saddiq ??? (@SyedSaddiq) September 3, 2020
What do you think about this issue? Go off in the comments.
Also read: “It Hurts,” Veveonah Speaks Up Following Minister’s Apology After Claiming Her Exams Were Fake