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Garbageman-Turned-Millionaire Helps Housewife Sentenced To 14 Months Jail For Stealing 2 Packets Of Milo


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Source: Utusan Malaysia & Facebook

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Garbageman turned millionaire Mohamad Azlan Al Amin has done it again!

Known for his charity work, the real estate entrepreneur recently extended his help to a housewife sentenced to 14 months in jail for stealing two packets of milo.

He obtained legal services to help the housewife apply for a stay of sentence. 



She was sentenced to 14 months in jail for her crime of stealing two packets of Milo worth RM73 at a supermarket on May 25, 2022.

Magistrate Engku Nurul Ain Engku Muda handed the sentence after the housewife, who is also a drug addict, pleaded guilty after the charge sheet was read.



Helping Suhaini

True to his reputation as a well-loved philanthropist, Mohamad Azlan decided to take the initiative to help Suhaini Mohd, 43, who is now in the Pengkalan Chepa Prison, Kota Bahru, Kelantan.

Her lawyer, Datuk Naran Singh, says, “the application for stay of sentence and bail was submitted online to the Marang Magistrate’s Court.”

“We have agreed to help the accused (Suhaini) on humanitarian grounds even though she has a past criminal record and is a drug addict,” added Datuk Naran.



“At the end of the day, she is still a mother of four children,” said Datuk Naran.

He also added, “Suhaini’s children are in dire need of a woman’s love, especially with the nearing of Hari Raya Aidiladha, which will be celebrated this Sunday.”

He said the appeal application for stay of sentence and bail is expected to be heard at the Marang Magistrate Court on June 13.

“We will apply for the accused to be released on bail at the hearing. It is to enable Suhaini to return to her family until the sentencing appeal process at the high court is completed,” he said.

Netizens are frustrated

Online, netizens mostly expressed their frustration at how ridiculous the law is. 

“What I don’t understand is, how can someone who has stolen huge amounts of money walk free while those who commit petty crimes have to be locked up?”


Law 2


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