The topic of sustainability and going green have been gaining more and more attention on a global scale but in Malaysia, it’s still very much an underrated topic. This is why it’s not surprising to see everyday Malaysians practising unhealthy habits that can be damaging to our environment.
From the way we commute to the things we wear, here are a few of the most common reasons that show why Malaysians are not doing a good job at protecting mother nature:
1. Using plastic straws every time we order boba drinks

There was a time when Malaysians were worried for turtles everywhere and actually made a great decision to ban the usage of plastic straws in cafes and restaurants. But when it comes to ordering boba drinks, we all tend to take the easier route by using the plastic straws that come with it.
We get that carrying around metal straws require more effort, but plastic straws are really bad for our environment because it is considered as single-use plastic (which is the worst kind!) and due to its size, it’s a lot easier for marine life to swallow it.

You can get these straws for a very affordable price online!
So, the next time you order a boba drink, just imagine a baby turtle nibbling on plastic to resist taking another plastic straw, okay!
2. Throwing trash out of our car window
It’s 2020 and we can still see people doing this from their cars when we’re on the road…

Seriously, guys???
Malaysians are infamous for our bad habit of littering everywhere. Not only is this hurting mother nature AND our image as a society, but throwing stuff out your car window can seriously injure other road users as they can easily be blown around by the wind.
In case you need a reminder, littering from your vehicle is also punishable by law with a maximum fine of RM300. So Malaysians, it’s about time we wake up and stop this bad habit, okay!
3. Commuting solo to work

If you often drive to work, then we’re sure you’re no stranger to the traffic jams that occur every morning and evening. We don’t know about you but whenever we’re stuck in traffic, we often notice that most of the cars would contain lone drivers.

Most people don’t realise it but one of the main things that contribute to our carbon footprint is our vehicles. In this post-MCO era, we get that people may still be wary of public transportation but it really won’t hurt for us to normalise the carpooling culture. Plus, you’ll be reducing air pollution AND you can save money on petrol.
4. Paying 20 cents for a piece of plastic bag
Every time we go grocery shopping, it’s not hard to spot individuals that still opt to pay for multiple pieces of plastic bags to carry their groceries.

Similar to plastic straws, these plastic bags are also single-use plastics and it’s currently one of the most common items found littered all around.
This really doesn’t come as a surprise since Malaysia was recently ranked the highest for plastic consumption in the whole of Asia. To make matters worse, Asia is also currently responsible for half of the plastics we find in the ocean.
So for those who keep saying your plastic bags or straws won’t affect the fish or turtles, time to wake up!
5. Not following the labels on recycling bins
Apart from littering, Malaysians are also not the best when it comes to recycling. Even with the colourful bins being placed everywhere in public spaces, we still can’t seem to maintain a good habit of following the labels on them.

Don’t lie, we’ve all had that one friend (or we are that friend) that would say “just throw in any of the bins lah, they’re all the same!” Even worse, some people would even throw non-recyclable trash into these bins. Doing this will only make it harder for recycling centres to separate the trash later on, which would cost them more resources and time.
So nope, they are definitely NOT all the same.
6. Local factories getting rid of waste in rivers
Just a few weeks ago, the whole of Klang Valley had to suffer persevere through a couple of days without water due to toxic pollution that contaminated one of our major raw water sources. These water cuts are often caused by irresponsible factories who would dispose of their waste into these rivers seeing as to how it’s so “convenient”.

Blackened water found due to a factory disposing of their waste irresponsibly.
Water is such an important basic necessity and the reckless actions of these factories are not only impacting the livelihood of most citizens, but it’s also causing local authorities to spend more to conduct water treatments.

7. Shopping with fast fashion brands

Fast fashion is, unfortunately, very widely consumed in Malaysia, and it might be due to the fact that Malaysians are poorly informed on how the things they wear can also impact the environment.
ICYMI, “fast fashion” is a term used for brands that offer inexpensive clothing by rapidly mass-producing them to follow the latest trends. The clothing is also usually made in “sweatshops” which is what we call factories who employ manual workers who’d work long hours, in almost inhumane conditions for very little pay.

This is the working condition of these sweatshop workers.
As you can tell, these brands are not only damaging the environment because they’re rapidly using up a lot of materials and energy, but they’re also unethical in terms of human resources.
A solution to this is for Malaysians to start practising more eco-friendly shopping habits, and opt for sustainable brands instead. Speaking of which, Timberland has been consistently releasing sustainable collections that are not only good for the environment, but also for those stylish OOTDs! This time around, they’re back with another collection as part of their Nature Needs Heroes campaign.
Called the Earthkeepers (EK+) collection, this drop will feature items made from responsibly-sourced and renewable, natural materials!
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The collection will consist of both footwear and clothing items so you can rock that head-to-toe ecoriginal look. Keeping with their goal to have a net positive impact on nature by 2030, this latest drop will feature products that utilise their highest level of eco-innovation yet! Some of the materials used include:
- Materials sourced from farms that use regenerative practices that basically help to retain the biodiversity of our environment.
- Renewable natural materials sourced from farms with responsible land management (not using fossil fuels).
- Renewed materials that have been 100% recycled.

These could definitely spice up your OOTDs!
One item that definitely caught our eye is the Ecoriginal EK+ 6″ Waterproof Boots. Not only do these look uber cool with camouflage print, but they also utilise Timberdry™, a waterproof lining that is made from 50% recycled plastics, and the Responsible Natural Rubber in the sole that does not contribute to deforestation.

These boots will be available for both men and women!
Another super interesting item that utilises Timberdry™ is the Ecoriginal EK+ Waterproof Fishtail Parka, which is made with 100% recycled fabric!
Can you believe recycled materials can look this good?
There is also a whole range of items including bomber jackets, sweatshirts, tees and pants that will be available in the collection for you to check out. The best part is, they’ve already released them and you can find it all in Timberland stores!
So many cool pieces to choose from!
For more details and to shop this ecoriginal collection online, simply head over to Timberland’s website here.
Who knew being eco-friendly could look this stylish, huh?