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“Check prices before ordering” – M’sian Shocked to Find out His Glass of Teh Ais at PWTC Cost RM11


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Source: Facebook | Mohd Fadly Samin

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If the food is good, most customers wouldn’t mind spending a little more than usual for it. When it comes to simplicities like Teh Ais (iced tea) which you can normally get for less than RM2 at a Mamak restaurant, how much more are you willing to pay for it?

In a viral Facebook post by a Malaysian motivational speaker, Fadly Samin, he was shocked to see the price he had to pay for a simple meal at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (PWTC). Fadly paid a total of RM29 for a portion of Lontong, a pack of noodles, and a glass of Teh Ais.

The thing that baffled Fadly the most was the price of Teh Ais – a whopping RM11!

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No, it wasn’t served in a special pot or glass, nor did it come with additional ingredients. It was like any other Teh Ais you can get anywhere.

Fadly was there to meet his publisher and he had no choice but to get a quick meal at the restaurant.

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Fadly said his intention to share the matter is far from criticising the restaurant.

“It was merely a reminder to other customers. I wanted to remind them to ALWAYS check the pricing before ordering anything. Don’t be like me.”

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According to Fadly, the restaurant was PACKED despite its price due to the International Book Festival. Fadly, who planned to get his breakfast at the food trucks outside the building was disappointed to find out that they were still closed.


Fadly also told WORLD OF BUZZ that he never expected to pay a high price for a simple meal.

“The price for the Lontong and the noodles were reasonable, but who knew that a glass of Teh Ais would’ve cost RM11? My bad for not checking the price.”

To those who are familiar with the restaurant at PWTC, what do you think of its pricing?



Also read: “RM10 for 3 Roti Canai” – Mamak in KL Charges 40 sen Packing Fees for Each Flatbread

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Source: Time Out

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