We can all agree that exams can be extremely stressful and not very fun in general. However, sometimes, certain questions in exam papers do manage to catch the attention of many and make things much more interesting.
Recently, a netizen was shocked to find that one of the questions in her accounting exam paper was based on celebrity chef Khairul Aming.
The poster took to Twitter to share a picture of the exam paper with one of the questions asking the students to read, discuss and analyse a case which involved an individual named “Qherolming”.

The question said that “Qherolming” wants to hire you as an accountant for his business, “Nyet2 Sambal Berapi Ent”.
It is said that “Qherolming” has attached 5 various sources of documents in March that need to be recorded in the proper account.
“So as the accountant of Nyet2 Sambal Berapi Ent, you need to apply skills of classifications, recording and summarising the data so that the data can be delivered to users especially Qherolming because he needs the final report,” reads the question.
Khairul Aming responds to the post!
The post managed to capture the attention of the man himself who shared it and laughed at the name of the person in the question.
Qherolming ?? https://t.co/AK4IZmeKtz
— Khairulaming (@khairulaming) May 10, 2022
Netizens were amused at the question
The post has since gone viral and managed to put a smile on the faces of netizens who were quick to comment their amusement.
A couple of users pointed out that this is an indicator of how famous Khairul Aming currently is.
“You know you have made it when you appear in exam questions.”
“Work hard until your name is on an account exam paper,” commented one user.

One user commented, “This is a sign that your business is growing. Even local university and schools are preparing a future account to manage your accounts.”

Meanwhile, some users joked that Khairul Aming could sue them for using names similar to his and his company’s. “Lawsuit is coming,” commented one user.

What would you do if you got this in your exam paper? Let us know in the comments.
Also read: SPM Candidates Bombard Resort With Bad Reviews After They Got The Name Wrong In Listening Test