A bread factory in Jalan Kuchai Lama is being investigated for using an unclean water source from the toilet to produce their baked goods.

The premise was closed by DBKL today after inspections conducted by six officers found that the factory is no longer fit for operation. The floors of the factory were wet and dirty with food waste on the wall. Authorities also discovered black spots on the surface of where the baked goods were prepared.

In a statement made by DBKL, it was said that “food processing equipment was found in a dirty and worn condition. There were also traces of rat droppings in the storeroom which held some raw materials in the factory. 10 of the workers who handled food including six foreigners had typhoid injections.”

DBKL issued an order to close the premise in accordance with Section 11 of the Food Act 1983 effective tomorrow. “These inspections and monitoring will continuously be conducted by DBKL from time to time.”
How unsanitary. What do you guys think of this?
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