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M’sian Employer Shocked by Gen Z Job Candidate Who Thought That Full-Timers Work 7 Days a Week


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Source: 123RF & 123RF

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Before talking to your potential employer in an interview, it’s best to equip yourself with some basic knowledge, especially about the job you’re applying for.

In his Facebook post, a Malaysian employer recently shared a screenshot of conversations with a Gen Z candidate, who said that he can work for 6 days a week, which is the job requirement for a full-time where an employee gets a day of rest.

The candidate suddenly asked for a part-time employee’s pay range, saying he was actually looking for a part-time position.

Yes, he told the interviewer that he could make it to work 6 days a week, but he thought that was the work schedule for a part-timer, NOT a full-timer.

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Feeling baffled, the interviewer responded by asking him what a work schedule for a full-timer looks like.

“Based on my understanding, a full-timer works 7 days a week. I’m not so sure of the working schedule for a part-timer nowadays,” the candidate said.

The interviewer then told him that a part-timer usually works just 2 days a week.

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Now, here’s when things got a little more confusing.

Despite his ability to work 6 days a week, the candidate now said he couldn’t do it full-time and apologised.

The interviewer explained to him again about the work schedule of a full-timer and part-timer, to which the candidate said he would consider it. However, the interviewer politely told him,

“I think it’s fine. I don’t think this job is meant for you. We want to avoid possible misunderstanding and communication barrier in the future. Thank you for reaching out to us.”

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The candidate responded with another apology, and the conversation ended there.


To those who are working part-time, what does your schedule look like?


Also read: China Mum Follows Son to Job Interview & Answers HR’s Questions, Gets Mad When Her Son is Rejected


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