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Someone Allegedly Threw a Shopping Trolley from an Apartment in Bangsar, Nearly Hitting a Woman


My Post 1 2024 05 28T145839.287 1
Source: New Straits Times

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Imagine standing outside of an apartment building only to look up and see a shopping trolley falling from above towards you.

Thankfully, there was no one standing outside of a Bangsar apartment when a shopping trolley was thrown from one of the floors above.

According to a report by New Straits Times, this incident happened on Saturday (May 25) at around 5pm. A shopping trolley had been thrown from Block 90 of the Petra Ria Apartment in Bangsar and the impact caused damage to a motorcycle parked below.

Trolley 1

50-year-old Mohd Kusairi Ishak, who owns the motorcycle, shared further details into the incident.

“It occurred about 10 minutes before heavy rain and strong winds yesterday,” he said.


Things could have been much worse!

Apparently, Kusairi’s parked motorcycle had saved a woman, as she wanted to buy food from a stall there but had to stand elsewhere while she waited.

“Because of my motorcycle, she couldn’t stand there (while) waiting for the food. Luckily, the trolley hit my motorcycle instead of her. It’s terrifying to think what could have happened if that trolley had hit her.”

Trolley 2

Kusairi added that he believes that the trolley was thrown by a grown up, and that there have been other instances where rubbish and junk have been thrown from the apartment.

“I don’t think it was kids doing it or due to heavy winds. Some residents claimed that the trolley was thrown from Level 10, but we don’t have proof.”

“The habit of throwing junk and rubbish has not been stamped out and action could not be taken because of the difficulty in identifying the culprits. I hope the residents or tenants will stop this dangerous and irresponsible habit. It could have killed someone,” he said.


It truly is extremely dangerous to throw things from an apartment as you’ll never know where it will land.

We genuinely hope that the authorities will look into the thrown supermarket trolley and find the perpetrator. 


Also read: Penang Apartment Resident Throws Rubbish From Above, Causes Major Damage to Parked Car Below

My Post 3 2024 04 18T172516.346

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