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Grandpa of 17 Graduates With A PhD At The Age of 79


Phd Grad 79Yo
Source: UKM l Facebook & Gül Işık l Pexels

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By now, most of us know that age is never a barrier and it all lies in the mindset.

Dr. Muharam Awang, 79 who recently graduated with a PhD in Malay Literature at UKM can certainly testify to that.

A father of 7 and grandfather to 17, he has lived a long and fulfilling life, however, his thirst for knowledge is commendable and inspiring.

According to Sinar Harian, his journey was not a smooth sailing one as he has problems with using technology, getting cataracts and having to travel back and forth from Melaka to the campus in Bangi.

“In the early stages, I faced many problems especially with using the computer. It was tough.”

Adding on to that, he mentioned that he had to ask his child who was living in Batu Pahat, Johor to help him type out his thesis for his research.

Phd Graduate 79Yo

As one would also need to read up on current literature during their research, he also had difficulties doing so as he had cataracts.

“My eyes were blurry and I could not read when I was finishing up my thesis. I went for surgery to remove my cataracts last May and after my vision came back, I was able to complete my thesis.”

Dr Muharam Awnag was previously a school teacher before retiring and in the last years of his career, he was teaching Pengajian Am to Form 6 students.

Speaking about his journey, he is ever grateful to his supportive wife and children.

Conducting research and writing up a thesis is certainly no easy feat! We hope Dr. Muharam Awang knows how inspiring he is.


Also read: M’sian Doctor Wins Prestigious International Award For Her Innovative Cancer Research

Feat Image Dr Woo

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