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“I swear by Allah” – Viral Claypot Rice Seller Insists His Premises Don’t Use Prohibited Ingredients


My Post 1 2023 09 13T103537.738
Source: Harian Metro

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So, a viral claypot chicken rice seller was recently under fire for allegedly using rice wine, which is obviously not halal, in his cooking. The seller, Ahmad Muzakin Mohd Amir, has since spoken out about the issue.

According to a report by Harian Metro, the 48-year-old came forward to explain in regards to the allegations about his restaurant in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur, after people pointed out that he was allegedly using rice wine in his cooking.

The father of 3 children shared that he was upset when a few parties made the allegations without properly investigating their claims and did not reach out to him to verify it as they continued to insist that among the ingredients he uses is a non-halal ingredient.

Seller 1

He said that the 2 bottles he uses are sesame oil, which is commonly used in Chinese cooking but is believed to be halal despite the factory not having a halal certificate from the religious authorities, adding that his restaurant has been visited by the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM).

“I admit that my premises do not have a halal certificate from JAKIM, but many other Muslim shops also do not have the same certificate. I think it is not a big problem because I am a Muslim and I know my responsibilities, and I will not even hide the ingredients used,”

“The 2 bottles are sesame oils and if I use 2 bottles directly, I will get double drops of oil without having to pour it many times, but I admit that the factory (sesame oil producer) does not have a halal certificate but the ingredients are believed to be nothing prohibited,” he said.

He also explained that he does not add other substances to the sesame oil bottles and that the chicken used in his cooking is from a halal source.

“I swear by Allah SWT that I do not use prohibited substances as spread by netizens. This is my dignity and as a Muslim, I am responsible and sincere in doing business for my family’s halal blessings.”

Despite being criticised, insulted and potentially slandered, he said that he can forgive as every human being makes mistakes including himself, and considered this a test for him in earning a living.

Seller 2

However, he, who has a valid business license, also wants to apply for a halal certificate under JAKIM and will attend the course tomorrow (September 14).

“When it becomes viral and famous like this, I have already spoken to my wife that there will definitely be defamation and it will indeed happen, but I am not sad or afraid of losing customers because of God’s blessings. All kinds of people talk about us to the extent of our origins,”

“I am Malaysian and hold a blue IC but I am not ashamed to admit that my ancestry is from Indonesia and my wife is indeed from Surabaya. I am not angry and am ready to answer all customer questions because I am sincere in doing business and am responsible with my business,” he added.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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My Post 1 2023 09 11T141319.954

Source: Harian Metro
Source: Harian Metro

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