A 32-year-old man from Gujarat, India, admitted to the police that he cut off four of his own fingers because he was too scared to tell his boss he wanted to quit his job.
Mayur Tarapara first told the police he had an “accident” while riding his bike to a friend’s place. He said he suddenly felt dizzy, passed out by the roadside, and woke up to find four of his fingers missing, as reported by Oddity Central.

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There was no sign of him fainting like he said
The case was first reported at the Amroli Police Station in Surat but was later transferred to the city’s Crime Branch. When the police checked CCTV footage from the area where Mayur claimed the incident happened, they couldn’t find anything to support his story.

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In the footage, he was seen calmly parking his bike, walking away, and returning with his hand injured. There was no sign of him fainting by the roadside like he said.
At first, the police thought someone might’ve taken his fingers for a black magic ritual, but as they dug deeper, Mayur’s story started falling apart with more and more inconsistencies.

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He thought that cutting off his fingers was the only way
When the police pushed him to spill the truth, Mayur finally admitted that he cut off his own fingers because he didn’t want to keep working as a computer operator at his relative’s company.
He also confessed that he was stressed about his job at his relative’s diamond factory but didn’t have the guts to tell them he wanted to quit. Cutting off his fingers, he thought, was the only way to make himself unfit for the job.
The police shared that he used a knife that he had bought to chop off four of his fingers near Amroli Ring Road around 10 PM that night.
He tied a cord around his arm to stop the bleeding and tossed the knife and his fingers into a bag afterwards.

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Also read: SG Man Goes Viral For Wanting To Quit His RM10.8k/month Job As He Has Nothing To Do At The Office