A 24-year-old mother from Kupang, Indonesia slaughtered her five-year-old twins and tried to kill herself as revenge against her husband who had abused her.
Dewi Regina Ano stabbed her own stomach and slashed her throat with a machete which did not kill her but only knocked her unconscious.

Source: FMT
According to Harian Metro, Dewi’s near-lifeless body was found in a hotel room alongside the dead bodies of her two children, Angga Masus and Angkri Masus on 5 September.
Police initially suspected that the mother and her two children were attacked, but after a few days of being at the hospital, Dewi admitted that she had killed her two sons.

Source: Harian Metro
Kupang police spokesman, Bobby Mooy Nafi said that Dewi had killed her own kids as revenge against her husband who often ignored and abused them.
“Her husband never fulfilled his wife’s wishes and never paid attention to her or their children,” he said.
Dewi also became frustrated because her husband always refused to give her money to buy things, including buying sanitary pads every month.

Source: Initial
Bobby said that the wife’s grudge against her husband was so strong that she was willing to sacrifice her own children. When she was questioned, Dewi pleaded guilty while crying incessantly.
RIP Angga and Angkri.
Also read: Woman Can’t Tahan Husband’s Abuse so She Beheads Him, Chops Off Penis & Feeds It to Dogs