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11 Things Only Malaysians Who Went Through Form 6 Understand


11 Things Only Malaysians Who Went Through Form 6 Understand - World Of Buzz
Featured Image Source: IBS College

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So, you’re done with SPM and it’s time to move on with life. You’re bombarded with a dozen life choices that’s somehow going to determine (or not determine) your future. Where do I go next? And yes, we’re pretty darn sure we don’t want to screw this up.

Foundation? A-levels? Matriculation? Form 6?!

Well for those of us who chose the road less taken, here are 11 things you can absolutely relate to:


1. That moment when your friend any Malaysian finds out you’re in Form 6


Now, Form 6 is notorious among Malaysians to apparently be the second hardest exam in the world! Whether this fact is true or not, who cares? Because the torture was oh so very real. So you can only imagine people’s reaction when they hear you voluntarily enrolled yourself into hell.


2. No, seriously, they just don’t understand WHY you’d do such a thing


“Why didn’t you choose to go to foundation? Or A-levels?” they’d always ask.


3. While everyone who went to uni is free to dress however they like, you’re still stuck wearing uniforms

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Source: mystarjob

Okay lah. At least I don’t have to kill myself every morning thinking about what to wear!


4. It’s basically like highschool all over again – you still get punished or fined for ‘offences’

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You can’t dye your hair, there’s a strict uniform code, phones are not allowed in school, and the list just goes on! We’re 18 year olds and over for God sake T_T


5. Despite being stuck in highschool, you felt more ‘superior’ for being the eldest of the bunch!

X Things Only Malaysians Who Went Through Form 6 Understand - World Of Buzz

Lai, gor gor or jie jie show you the way.


6. That moment your friends are complaining about their expensive uni fees, and you’re just there like…


Fees? What fees?


7. As opposed to SPM’s 8-10 subjects, STPM’s 4 subjects are MUCH MUCH harder

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And to think you thought you would’ve aced all of them.


8. There are moments you question your life choice for even putting yourself through the torture that is Form 6

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But no, seriously, why did we even do that?!


9. Being old enough to be ‘friend friend’ with the teachers

Plus, the teachers open up to you more since you’re supposedly more mature.

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10. After all that ‘torture’, you complete pre-u ONE year behind all your peers

Most pre-U’s like Foundation or A-levels in private universities only take 1  year, while yours took 1.5 years! So by the time your friend started their degree, you’re still there… in highschool.

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11. Despite it all, you’re grateful because STPM made you a much tougher cookie

Plus, it’s great to know you’ve helped your family save some money by going to Form 6, instead having it spent on expensive uni tuition.

10 Things Only Malaysians Who Went Through Form 6 Understand - World Of Buzz


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