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KL Condo Unit Goes Up in Flames After a Resident Allegedly Threw Their Cigarette Butt from Above


My Post 3 2024 06 12T114235.932
Source: 阿成下南洋(吉隆坡) | XiaoHongShu

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Smokers living in apartment buildings, condominiums and flats have a tendency of throwing their cigarette butts from their balconies or windows.

What they don’t know is that their thrown cigarette butts can cause very dangerous situations for others living below them.

A Malaysian, 阿成下南洋(吉隆坡), took to XiaoHongShu to share how a KL condominium unit had caught on fire after another resident had thrown their cigarette butt from above, causing it to land on flammable materials left at the unit owner’s outdoor space.

Fire 1

He wrote, “Fire on the 28th floor of M Vertica Condominium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.”

“I hope residents living in high-rise apartments will accept this warning and pay more attention to safety. Don’t throw cigarette butts down, and be careful not to pile up flammable items (such as cardboard boxes and more) on the balcony or yard.”


In the video showcased, residents in the condominium could be seen alarmed by the fire. 

Some residents attempted to work together to put out the fire while others evacuated the building.

Fire 2

Fire 3

The elevator of the condominium also stopped functioning during the fire, which is a good thing, as it is, in fact, a hazard to use an elevator when there is a fire in a building.

Thankfully, the residents managed to put out the fire just as the building’s management arrived to inspect the situation.

Fire 4

Fire 5

“(We) suspect ah, cigarette from above thrown down, and then there are too many boxes here,” a resident said.


We genuinely urge the general public to stop throwing cigarette butts from their apartment, flat or condominium unit to avoid endangering the lives of others.

You can check out the post here.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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