Have you ever accidentally forgot to take out a pack of tissue inside your clothing and you just threw everything into the washer? I think everyone has at least experienced it once or twice in a year. It was always very annoying when you try to pick at the tissue bits one at a time and it sticks to everything and is everywhere!
Well, fear not as we have been blessed by a simple trick from a woman in China to help us in this troubled time. The post which is originally on Weibo has garnered a lot of attention and has since gone viral in China.

So, first things first, when you see that your laundry has been encrusted with tissue bits, you wash it again. Yeah, you read that right!
Instead of washing it normally, you just put in some softener (without detergent) and set the machine to rinse and dry once.

Then your laundry will be clean and the tissue paper will be off! The reasoning behind this is simple as that when you add in softener, your clothes become soft and smooth, which results in it being harder for the tissue particles to stick onto the material!
I will definitely be trying out this method when I accidentally leave tissue in my laundry! What about you? Do you have any tips for when this happens? Share it with us in the comment section!
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