Many secrets surrounding GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) have come to light as PDRM continues its ongoing investigation. Once again, GISBH is making headlines with newly surfaced information that is shocking the nation.
At a live press conference, lawyer Rosli Kamaruddin read a statement saying that GISBH has asked the authorities for permission to help take care of the children rescued from its premises.

“We’ll follow all the rules”
The group also asked the government to allow GISBH entrepreneurs to continue running their businesses, emphasising that these businesses are indeed legitimate.
GISBH argued that they aren’t a “terrorist” organisation and asked the authorities to reconsider using the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) against its members.
“In the opinion of the legal team, we believe that GISBH does not have the characteristics of a criminal syndicate. A criminal syndicate involves activities such as gambling, prostitution, organised crime, and so on. We do not see any of the mentioned characteristics in the GISBH group.”

“GISBH is not involved in child exploitation”
The statement that was read out also mentioned how GISBH, along with its board of directors and officers, is cooperating fully and will continue to do so in any investigations.
The controversial company also asked all NGOs, associations, politicians, professionals, and anyone not appointed by GISBH to stop the arguments and debates about its cases.
“Our team requests a thorough and fair investigation. If we look at the video shared on the internet about children working without pay and so on, it doesn’t necessarily mean that child exploitation has occurred under our watch. GISBH is not actually involved in any child exploitation.”

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