For those who want to try their luck at getting vaccinated without an appointment in Pahang, may run the risk of being slapped with a compound according to Pahang Health Department Chief Datuk Dr Bahari Tok Muda Awang Ngah,
Adding that the actions of certain individuals failing to follow vaccination protocols have led to congestion and raised safety concerns, authorities within the health department will no longer be entertaining walk-ins.

“I have received reports from PPV volunteers that individuals without an appointment show up at vaccination centres with hopes that they too will get vaccinated.”
“We need to adhere to protocols, not resort to walk-ins which may disrupt the process flow at PPVs.”

“We will not be issuing compounds just yet, but will resort to issuing warnings and reminders to the public. However, if the problem persists, we will not hesitate to issue compounds to those who turn up without an appointment.”
He added that all vaccinations that are underway are made based on approved appointments through the MySejahtera app.
Let’s all follow guidelines set, and make arrangements for vaccination according to proper channels.
Also read: Woman Sews Custom Baju Kurung With Zipper On The Sleeves For Her Mother’s Vaccination Shot