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This Siew Yoke Jelly Cake Is The Perfect Way To Prank Your Friends For Hungry Ghost Month


Pjimage 2020 09 08T090124.742
Source: Herman Huang

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Us carnivorous beasts probably can’t go a day without consuming any form of meat but as your bones begin to ache more, you tend to realise that it isn’t the healthiest way of living.

One way you can be more healthy is, of course, to reduce your meat intake or…..how bout just simply tricking your mind? Yes, with this Siew Yoke (Roast pork belly) shaped jelly cake, your brain would be convinced you’re having meat when in reality you’re just having dessert.

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Is everything cake in 2020?

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Chef Herman Huang, of the edible dishwashing sponge cake fame, returns again with this prank cake and posted on his channel, HNC Kitchen, a how-to so that you can also make this cake and prank your friends especially during the Hungry Ghost Month where some of your friends might even be vegetarian!

In case you’re interested, here’s what you need to make the Roast Pork Belly Shaped Jelly Cake :

“Fat” Layer:

  • 250g tapioca flour
  • 85g rice flour
  • 240g sugar
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 430ml warm water
  • 1 tsp salt

“Skin” Layer:

  • 150g “fat” layer
  • 1 tbsp tapioca starch
  • 40g tapioca pearl
  • Food colouring

“Meat” :

  • Taro

Now that we have everything, it’s cookin time!

1. First for the fat layer, combine the tapioca starch, rice flour, sugar and salt

2. Add also 400ml of the coconut milk and 430ml warm water

3.Mix it slowly until they all combine

4. Strain the batter to get rid of the lumps

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5. Next for the “skin” layer, combine 150g of the fat layer made previously, 40g tapioca pearl, 1 tablespoon of tapioca starch with red and yellow food colouring.

6. For the lean “meat”, peel and cut the taro into thin slices.

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7. Spread some oil on a five-inch size container and steam it to heat the container up.

8. Pour 60g of the fat batter inside, cover with a cloth to prevent water droplets into the cake and steam it for five minutes.

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9. Add one layer of taro and pour a thin of fat batter to cover and make it firm.

10. A bit more taro and fat layer batter to make it more attractive. Press the taro a little to get rid of air bubbles.

11. Cover with a cloth and steam for six minutes

12. To make the first fat layer, pour in 100g of fat batter, cover with a cloth and steam for eight minutes.


13. Repeat the process until the third meat and third fat layer.

14. Each layer MUST be covered in a cloth and steamed before moving on to the next one.


15. After a while, the skin layer will look like below


16. Add the batter on top of the cake and make sure it’s not too thick or thin. Then, steam it for ten minutes

17. Cool the cake down in ice water for five minutes.


18. Let the cake rest without a cover and keep your hands to yourself for the next eight hours.

19. Use a spatula to move out the cake and cut it with a plastic-wrapped knife to avoid the cake sticking to the knife.

20. Cut the cake into small “pork belly” pieces and voila!

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Once, you’ve done all this, just enjoy the cake or maybe you can even prank your friends!

Let us know if you will be trying this recipe and show us your products when they’re done!


Also read: To Wash or To Eat? Here’s How You Can Make An Edible Dishwashing ‘Sponge’ Cake

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Source: Herman Huang
Source: Herman Huang
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen
Source: HNC Kitchen

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