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The Wealthy In China Are Allegedly Hiring Body Doubles To Serve Prison Time For Their Crimes


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Source: Cracked & China Daily

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While we all know that our country’s legal system is flawed in many ways, let’s talk about another nation’s justice system for a bit.

The rich, no matter in what country, appear to have the ability to avoid the consequences for their actions.

As according to Luxury Launches, the uber rich in China are allegedly hiring body doubles in a practice called Ding Zui or ‘substitute criminal’, to avoid prison time and to serve their sentences for crimes they’ve committed.

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The real hu bin.

For instance, back in 2009, the wealthy (then) 20-year-old Hu Bin who had killed a pedestrian while drag racing in Hangzhou caused public outrage as he was photographed laughing and smoking with his friends while waiting for police at the scene.

Furthermore, the court sentenced him to a lenient 3 years in jail, in which the punishment apparently paled in comparison to what was supposed to be a life sentence.

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The man who appeared in court.

But what was most shocking was the fact that many pointed out the man who appeared in court and served the sentence was not Hu Bin, but a paid body double.

This practice has reportedly existed in China for hundreds of years, and is even considered a ‘profession’.

Another example of this was apparently done by Gu Kailai, a Chinese woman who had allegedly murdered English business man, Neil Heywood.

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The woman who appeared in court vs the real gu kailai.

People were quick to call her out for hiring a body double to serve her prison time, after noticing differences in facial features between the accused and the woman who had appeared in court in her place, BBC shared.

“Are we looking at the same woman? There are rumours that the woman who appeared in the court room is a body double, because whether you are thin or fat, your bone structure shouldn’t change,” one netizen explained.

“Please note the corner of the mouth, the bags under the eyes and the ears, especially the ears. You might flatten the bags, but you can’t change the shape of your ears,” another said.

If this is really true, then such a practice defeats the purpose of a justice system, allowing the affluent to get away with murder.

What is our world coming to?


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Source: Cracked
Source: China Daily
Source: Slate

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