The obsession with boba is real. It’s an expensive trend that doesn’t seem like it’s going to die down anytime soon, and hence, how does a boba fan continuously enjoy their favourite drink without having to break the bank?
By working in a boba store.

Source: NYTimes
Many of these stores offer complimentary drinks to their staff members, but one particular Chatime employee’s posting of her free boba drink has gotten netizens baffled and simply asking, why?
Kim Le, in a now viral Facebook posting, shared images of a large boba drink she made for herself with the help of Chatime’s employee benefits. What’s so special about the drink though compared to what most normal customers get to order? It’s completely filled to the brim with boba pearls.

Source: Facebook
Kim captions her posting with a simple, “Perks of being a Chatime staff.”

Source: Facebook
Netizens have since taken to the comments section with divided opinions on the somewhat over-the-top drink. A small group expressed their utter jealousy over the benefit.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook
Whereas the majority of commenters couldn’t help but feel their trypophobia activating while also pointing out that Kim had probably gone overboard.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook
I don’t think she realised that many would consider her special concoction to be overkill and an abomination of ‘boba-lical’ proportions, but hey, she managed to garner over 1,000 shares and over 21,000 reactions.
The lesson here is that all good things should be enjoyed in moderation.
What do you think of Kim’s bombastic creation? Yay or nay? Let us know in the comments section!
Also read: You Can Now Drink Bubble Tea & Save the Environment With This New Straw-less Boba Cup